Friday, February 28, 2014

QR10 A380 singapore to melbourne business class review

 although it has been half a year after I write this trip report,in retrospect, I am deeply moved by fly qantas Airlines QR10 from SIN to MEL in business class.
 if the china airlines logo is a symbol of elegance, the Qantas kangaroo LOGO is very lovely.
 thinking I will experience the A380,after I have stayed in Singapore City, I immediately go back to the airport.this trip is from Singapore to Melbourne, fly by airbus A380.

when I arrive at changi airport,I began to looking for check in counter

And then I saw the Premier Check-in counter

  CI recently partnered with BR to open the first-class checkin counter in taipei.after received the boarding pass and checked luggage,one can godirectly to the security also has the dedicated security line to use.
I would like to strongly recommend the Taoyuan airport open business class passengers dedicated the morning rush hour security check experience is really quite bad,when I print my boarding pass at airport,there is some problem, first I get the economy class boarding pass,fortunately, I found it and the ground crew has changed to business class BP, if so, are there somebody has the same name with me.
Sometimes I think airbus A380 look like a silkworm,but wing junctions is very abrupt.

see a yellow sign and I am very excited!!

this is the Qantas business class, it is called Skybed

The FA serving our cabin area, speak a pure Australian enligsh,we all called him  little tiger,soon after boarding, I just experienced all seat positions,the Captain broadcast the plane will take off, due to the cabin configuration, I found this cabin only have 12 seats,(and only sat two person)but the premium economy cabin is actually only a curtain separated from business cabin,the plane has not taken off,we have heard kids screaming.
we quickly changed our seats, luckily there are many empty seats in the business class(it were not Christmas Eve?!)

I really like the menu on plane. this is the breakfast menu, look like a hotel In-room Breakfast menu.

 once onboard ,I saw today's menu beside my seat, there is a Qantas pen,due to business class on the upper deck, so the window seats will have extra storage space

 I really love this space, you can tucked in all your bag, it feel more safe.
some business class seats can even have three tier.

after took off , the FA give us toiletry bag and a can of avian water
  routinely check what inside the toilet bag,
 although I do not know which brand, but their hand cream is very good.

its about to fly to Indonesia's airspace, ready to serve meal.
 here is the nasty salad sauce, is the same brand as I fly to bali.

for security first try to determine the taste of the sauce, in case it ruin the whole bowl of salad.
 white Italian cheese is good to eat ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah!!
  Australia is a really good country,just to see the kangaroo,you know that is Australia.

The following is today's dinner, as usual,I selected rice,the meat above is fish, very delicious Perch,
  personally think their AVOD is not good. after all business class should have a bigger screen,

The airline meal have small quantity, but the fruit dessert feel good.Not to mention cheese plate

the friend's duck noodle,taste bad

after dinner, of course,I will do some sports.I am going to visit the A380.
 where is the big and purple kangaroo,the answer is in the staircase.
 this is the bar on A380, is believed to give people who can not sleep onboard.

after down to first floor,saw the first class cabin, I went back to my seats to sleep,
  its time to eat breakfast,the china airlines can win others is really the breakfast,after I saw the western style breakfast,I really want to knock bowl and shout loudly: give me a tuna Egg cakes.

After breakfast,FA give me passenger arrival card, and rapid clearance card,but when I arrived at Melbourne Airport,I find there are not many people in Queue。
fly to Melbourne with A380, the holiday mood is happy.

CX 77D new business class HKG to SIN trip report

 my trip to Singapore choose Dragonair flight to Hongkong a day early
 mainly because I want to take the CX759 flight, because it is the early morning flight, so basically if your departure from Kaohsiung will not catch the flight ~ (if you depart from Taipei can do)
when I am eating the meat porridge with a lot of preserved egg in airport lounge, I found flight has been in Final Call

Back to main story
  what is the secret of flight CX759 that let me want to take? The answer is because this class has Cathay pacific's new business class seats, because the plane has first-class cabin, so the Cathay internal number is 77D (but Boeing called 777-300ER or 77W)

 then what is the meaning of the Cathay Pacific plane type ? I will explain for you in here

 basically the aircraft code is for Cathay Pacific

77A/74A: CX fishbone business class
34B/33B: Cathay fishbone business class configuration of the Airbus plane.
 77D: CX new 777-300ER aircraft,model using the new business class,it also has the first-class cabin
 33E: CX new business class airbus 330
 77G/33G: with the new business class,premium economy but no first-class cabin
 77H: has first-class cabin,new business class, premium economy configuration
 74K:has first-class cabin, business class, premium economy configuration
 after a lot of code
here is the CX new business class seat.

The new business class has a lot of storage space 

it has many flying 77A, don't forget to select seat up front, so that it is not very noisy.

the seat is comfortable,has a lot of space,with a big PTV screen.

the earphone is inside cabinet !! 
 I like this set of CX inflight entertainment system

serving food, this meal is not lunch or dinner, but a refreshment, so the first is fruit,then Cathay horn is delicous.
 today's main course are small bread,it was a bit of a disappointment

you must have a Cathay Delight, in Hong kong airport lounge and talk to the bartender,he will also give you this.

  here is also the Jetstar stronghold  
landing in Singapore airport,you feel Southeast Asia enthusiasm, soon to go straight to take the duck boat .

marriott platinum challenge 9 stays in 90 days

I am plan to travel to asia this summer, and although I have Hyatt Diamond Status, Hyatt does not have a big global footprint.Marriott has many property in asia, because of the megabonus promo with some of their properties.I am plan to stay with marriot.

I have had several stays with Marriott, due to their promotion along with having the Taste of Platinum Challenge in mind.

but there are reports in flyertalk forum saying that this challenge was discontinued in 2014,but I want to call them to see if the status challenges was still valid,I saw the Marriott Rewards Customer Service phone number is 1-801-468-4000.

I called up Marriott Rewards and asked for the Taste of Platinum Challenge.  I was asked how many stays I had planned in the upcoming year. I explained to the customer service representative my travelling plan. then put me hold for a couple of minutes and on return told me I was upgraded to Plat with a target of 9 stays or 18 nights in 90 days in order to qualify for Platinum status until February 2015. It really was easy and the status updated to my account a couple of days later.

You can sign up the status challenge via email to or via telephone to inquire about their challenge program.

Although the benefits of Marriott Platinum status seems lacking compared to Hyatt Diamond status, I was most interested in the extra 50% point bonus per dollar spent since the Hotel & Air package makes the best use of Marriott points.

I think all the hotel groups struggle with this early status issue. They want to capture business and early status is certainly a way of driving stay behaviour.


Thursday, February 27, 2014

air china companion club的积分转到UA的问题

最近有很多朋友问起能不能将air china companion club的点数转到UA,我查了一下,国航的companion club是好几年以前的FFP计划,现在已经改名成了更好听的Phoenix Miles。

air china是在2007年的12月加入星空联盟的。星盟规定的是无论你是哪家SA成员的常客,都可以在其全部28家会员航空公司累积和兑换里程,当然如果你想把点数转到天合联盟就不行了。

星盟成员很多,包括加拿大航空 air canada,美联航UA,air new zealand,奥地利航 空,ANA,avianca,布鲁塞尔航空,US airways都是星盟的成员,比如说,你累积的凤凰知音的点数可以转到UA,也可以转到泰航,也可以转到日本航空,这些都是可以转的,比例好象是1:1,同样的,也可以用来兑换UA的奖励机票和购买升舱服务,至于以前的 companion club的会员,应该会自动转到凤凰知音的金卡和白金卡会员吧。这个要看你累积的里程数来决定了。



不过今天聊的不是商场的积分,而是航空公司和酒店的积分,这是因为我发现了一个博客,网址是,名叫TroyLiu和乐飞游 by 刘朔廷,里面的内容还挺多的,百度了一下,发现博客的作者叫刘朔廷,又名刘总。是常客计划积分的牛人,在新浪也有他的博客,主要是介绍酒店和航空公司常客积分和里程的,告诉大家其实积分换里程其实很简单,还可以免费住酒店,这么好的事,我怎么不知道呀。

 这些积分看起来要比商场积分的价值高一点吧,听说一mile里程的价值等于1.5美分,这样10000 miles的话就相当于,我算一下,150美元了,还是不算少了,换成人民币都一千元了,然后就是各种忠实计划Loyalty Program. 据他所说现在最大规模的忠实计划有HHonors(希尔顿), Marriott Rewards (万豪), Starwood PreferredGuests (喜达屋),Priority Club (洲际集团), Hyatt Gold Passport(凯悦),Club Carlson(卡尔森俱乐部), Le Club Accor,(雅高)等等. 不过这些酒店的价格都很高呀,赚积分也要花钱入住才行吧,对工薪族来说,用处还是不大。高富帅和白富美们可能也不想那么麻烦的赚积分,还有各种兑换,搞得人头晕。更晕的是还有什么特殊升级(STATUS MATCH)或挑战(Challenge)高级会员的总结,关于这个我也了解了一下,要成为高级会员必须入住多少晚才行的,不经常旅行的人那有那么多机会住酒店呀,一般都是找些小旅馆,省点钱住一下就行了。当然出国旅行,度蜜月的可以住高档酒店,但都是偶尔住下,最多住几晚,要成为高级会员,要几十晚住宿,所以还是很困难呀,我本人比较喜欢到万豪这些酒店,主要是吃自助餐,要我去住一晚,我才不愿意,那些酒店房间很旧了,家具也旧,价格还贵,一晚上要500多元人民币,比不上一些新开的连销酒店。

  那是不是和乐飞游网站就是完全无用了呢,也不是,这个要看人群,比如说对一些去国外的留学生或者在国外的中国人来说,刘朔廷的blog里还是有一些比较有用的内容的,可以了解一下如何用里程来换回国的机票,这个刘总也介绍了主要飞回国航线的公司,对在美国的留学生来说,主要是达美,UA这两家,US airways不知道有没有飞往国内的航班,很少坐飞机,对这些我是不太清楚的。具体的可以去TroyLiu的博客留言问一下。欧州的同志们可以了解下法航,BA之类的,应该会有回国的航班。还有国内的航空公司,比如东航,国航,还有就是南航都有很多。有些航空公司我认为很小了,比如说土耳其航空,Aegeanair爱琴海航空,还有阿提哈德,这些公司听说的人都很少,会有人坐这些公司的飞机吗,至于他介绍的这些常客计划也是让人看不懂,比如说什么skymile,Aeroplan,还有什么milage plus之类的,不经常坐飞机的人也没必要了解那么多,不过倒是可以申请一张航空公司的联名信用卡,听说可以送个几万积分,可以换回国的机票。

除此之外,就是一些没听说过的各种名词,什么开口程,白金会员之类的,奖励票如何订,如何用里程upgrade,好象也很麻烦,还要上官网去查询,看有没有座位,有些奖励票还只能打电话订,网上还订不了,如果分不够还要转分,就是从酒店积分转成航空里程,还有机票也分好多种舱位,什么,F,B,M,K,L,G,C,D,J这些,看得人头晕脑胀,我以为坐飞机就是买了票就行了,那里有这么多麻烦呢。然后还有精英会员,这个也是第一次听说,一年好象要飞几万里程才行,不经常出差,真的比较难,对于一般人来说,只是偶尔出去旅游下,不可能天天飞吧,每天除了坐飞机,别的就不做了,也没多大意思,旅行的意义失去了。到一个地方总要玩几天吧,到一个地方马上又走,有什么用处呢,听说有人真的这么搞,叫什么milage run,这种只为里程飞的做法真的很累,就为了赚点积分,不过积分兑换商务舱倒是不错,头等舱也算可以,主要是吃的比较好,至少看起来不错,有些机场贵宾室里面的餐饮看起可以,有点像自助餐,这个我倒想试一下,因为我比较爱吃自助餐,我有一次因为飞机误点,所以在机场吃了个免费的盒饭,那个味道不错,关健是肉比较多,还有肉丸子,比起街上以前卖的那种5元的快餐好了不少,份量也多很多,这种快餐我愿意出20元一个来卖,当然是几年前的价络,现在20元也只能在街上的大排档吃个快餐了。所以机场休息室里的自助餐我想味道也不错,虽然没有吃过,但比较想尝试一下,当然我没有那么多积分,不过听刘总说可以用钱买,具体要多少他也说了,不过搞不太清楚换算的方式,一会又是什么奖励里程这些,金卡的会员又可以额外多得里程,所以到底多少里程价值多少钱,我是一直没搞清楚。有人送点分给我,或者在淘宝上便宜卖一些,我可以考虑下,用来换个国际航班的商务舱坐一下。当然价钱不能太高,我想最好是3000元能买他几万里程,然后换从上海飞到旧金山的商务舱机票不知行不行。当然到了那里,还要住下酒店,starwood的不错,也在淘宝上买些积分,最好能用500元买几万积分,换成免费住三天starwood的酒店,呵呵,这样只花几千元就能travel in style了。不过说到买积分住酒店,北京有一家haytt我看了还可以,好象是叫柏悦酒店PARK HYATT BEIJING,看图片感觉是新修的酒店,不像marriot那样老旧,不过价格也很高,百度了一下,在携程上订也要2000多元,这种豪华客房用积分来换不知要多少,可能得3万到5万积分吧,淘宝上不知有没有这种积分卖,如果有的话,我倒是想买些积分来换免费入住。自已积攒积分不知要积多久了,只有经常出差的人有这种机会了,还有就是富二代,经常住高档酒店的,也可以考虑积点分,也成个diamond钻石会员之类的,对于不经常旅行的,也就是不是酒店常客的人来说,还是没多大用处。

不过和乐飞游博客里倒说了用信用卡也可以赚积分,有机会也申请一张信用卡,赚点积分来换一晚北京柏悦酒店的客房也不错,听说申请haytt的credit card还有几万的积分送,不过是在美国,不知对中国国内的人来说,有没有一种国内的haytt信用卡,可以在国内消费,然后积累积分的。最好是注册时能送几万分的那种,这个有机会要问下刘总。有这种信用卡的话,以后消费就刷信用卡,一年下来刷个几万,十几万的,不知要消费多少才能换柏悦酒店的一晚入住,因为我准备去北京旅游,在这之前,必须抓紧时间刷卡赚积分。现在到处都能刷信用卡了,一年吃喝拉撒下来,都刷卡可以刷好几万吧。遇到交通银行、招商银行那种狂送积分的,几十万积分都是可能的。可怜我去年交行10倍积分的时候,正好没有什么消费,遗憾啊。

从现在开始,准备马上申请haytt的信用卡,然后网购呀,商场买东西呀,订酒店呀,全用信用卡刷,多多少少积攒下来,一年下来换一次免费5星级酒店入住是很简单的事情吧。以后要多关注和乐飞游网站,上面有不少限时几倍积分的活动,看看有没有合适的,这样可以快速积累积分。 还有就是像凯悦洒店这些的自助餐不知能不能用积分来换,这个要查一下才清楚。如果可以的话,刷个几千分换次自助餐也不错,呵呵。








Wednesday, February 26, 2014

amex aeroplanplus corporate platinum card review

  The American Express AeroplanPlus Corporate Platinum Card give benefits to both corporation and the employee,your business can manage expenses and your employee can earn 1.25 Aeroplan Miles for every dollar spent on purchases up to $25,000 and 1.5 Aeroplan Miles on purchases over $25,000.

In addition to rewarding benefits for your employee, your business will receive up to 4% cash back on Air Canada travel purchases on the card and up to 5% cash back each year on travel and everyday business expenses purchased on the Card with a number of partners like Budget, Corporate Express, Fairmont Hotels & Resorts, Park 'N Fly and Marriott Hotels of Canada.

The amex Corporate Platinum Card also offer small and medium sized companies annual cash rebates and travel benefits. For an annual fee of $350 companies are able to provide every employee Cardmember with access to 18 Air Canada Maple Leaf Lounges and Arrivals Lounge across Canada, the U.S. and Europe.frequent flyer enjoy private hideaway in airport lounge.

other benefits include

Fairmont President's Club Platinum Membership.
access to the Priority Lane at Toronto Pearson International Airport.
Partner Ticket, a 2-for-1 travel benefit for you and one companion.
  When Card holder redeem Aeroplan Miles for short-haul reward ticket in economy class, they receive a complimentary second ticket for the same itinerary. the companion ticket has a value of 15,000 Aeroplan Miles, which is the equivalent of travel between Toronto and New York, Montreal and Boston, or Vancouver and Calgary.

for application,you can Call 1-866-434-9661.and ask for welcome bouns.

The Aeroplan Corporate Platinum card also offers many cost-saving features. Some of these include:

- Increased Control

- Leading-edge management controls give companies the ability to put purchasing parameters on where and how much their employees can spend. - Streamlined Expense Reporting

- Online expense management reports can help companies realize thousands of dollars in cost savings by simplifying the employee expense reporting and approvals process and enforcing travel and purchasing compliance.

- Enhanced Servicing

- Only Platinum Cardmembers will experience access to a dedicated servicing unit of Amex employees.

miami to rio with aa business upgrade

I want to share my experience on American Airlines from GIG-MIA (Rio de Janeiro to Miami), I bought the coach tickets using aadvantage miles and purchase an upgrade to Business Class.first I start to look for A inventory. I found two upgrades available for miami to rio flight using Expert Flyer. I booked the coach seats and put it on hold. I then called AA to buy the immediate upgrade for 25K miles and $300 each purchasing the flights and upgrades at the same time. I did this because they waived the phone fee for purchase of the tickets because I was buying the upgrade. Otherwise I would have purchased the ticket on line,if i only purchased the upgrade on the phone. I only wanted to book the seat if I could buy the upgrade. 

 AA 767-300 Business Class cabin 

  In fact, i have flew this model before , when I travel from LAX to Hawaii,but i havent flew the AA international business services.
The 763 Business Class seat is angled lie flat seat,there are a lot of legroom,the seat is very comfortable,you will have a pillow and blanket, when you want to sleep.

the inflight entertainment has many movie for you to choose.

A  steak quality has always been very delicious,but the meal quantity is small,After quickly eaten the steak,the flight attendant offered some dessert,
Of course, this is what I most look forward to,when i fly AA every time,i always expect their ice cream,that is really good

Next is a long voyage,Then , after watched another movie,its time to the breakfast , its more like a refreshment,usually two options,a salad and PIZZA

Finally, the American Airlines business class amenity kits is a Galaxy bag.its very nice.

 Although I did not have any good rating on AA,I think their inflight service is very stable,although not the best service,The flight attendants were all nice and greeted me by my name. The food is delicious.the other good points is AA have very generous mileage rewards.Next flight, I want to fly AA 's 77W business class or the first class,i havent tried the AA's first class,i hope to have the opportunity to try in the end of this year ! !

delta platinum challenge promo

if you are a UA Platinum 1K or AA Executive Platinum member,you can request in delta Medallion Status Match Challenge promotion between now and June 30, 2014, delta will give you Platinum status for 90 need to send a copy of your current elite card or current statement from another airline showing your elite status with that program via email to or fax to 404-773-1880.

 during the 90 days challenge period,you will need to meet the MQM challenge 26000 MQM or 35 MQ segments to keep you status to the February 28, 2015.

 delta is not match its top tier diamond status,you will still need to earn 125,000 MQM in a year to get Diamond,for instance, if you complete 26K MQM to achieve Platinum, you still need to accrue 99000 more MQM to get Diamond.

As a platinum Medallion member, you'll enjoy exclusive privileges such as free Upgrades, access to Preferred Seats,skyclub lounge and waived baggage fees.

delta medallion challenge program

 If you have elite status with another airline, you can participate in delta Medallion Status Match Challenge program between now and June 30, 2014,  you will receive Platinum, Gold or Silver Medallion status for 90 days, based on your current elite level with another airline. Medallion status match is not offered for Delta diamond Medallion levels.

if you are a UA Premier gold member,you can match to Medallion gold in delta,you need to fly 16000 MQMs or 20 MQSs within 90 days to maintain you status until February 28, 2015

  your comparable status with the SkyMiles program:

Delta Silver=AA Gold=UA Premier Silver
Delta Gold=AA Platinum=UA Premier Gold
Delta Platinum=AA Executive Platinum=UA Premier Platinum 1K

delta silver need 8,000 MQMs or 10 MQSs,gold status 16,000 MQMs or 20 MQSs,delta platinum 26,000 MQMs or 35 MQSs,within the 90-days of enrolling by flying Delta or Delta Connection®.

jetstar asia flight review

  last year i have fly with Jetstar asia airline from MNL to KIX. After searching for the cheapest airline tickets given my USD 450.00 round trip budget, my choices boiled down to Cathay Pacific and Jetstar Asia.

Why I Chose Jetstar Asia
I also considered Philippine Airlines but it's quite expensive and a USD 100 over my budget. As for Cebu Pacific, the regular fare meets my USD 450 budget but I did not consider it due to it's red-eye flight. Surprisingly, the round trip fare of Cathay Pacific came a little cheaper than Jetstar Asia but I was hesitant to book due to multiple stop-overs. After a week of debating with myself as to which airline to book, finally I chose to fly with Jetstar Asia.

Here are the reasons why I chose Jetstar Asia for my flight between Manila and Osaka.
1. The comfort of a direct flight is hard to beat.
2. The arrival time in Osaka is just before noon time. This will give us sufficient time to explore a temple or two before the days ends.
3. The one hour lay over time of Jetstar before its next flight gave me a better peace of mind. I wonder if the 30 minute lay over time of Cebu Pacific is enough for the airline ground crew to fully check the mechanical condition of the plane.

My return flight from Osaka to Manila was originally scheduled early in the morning. Two weeks after booking my Jetstar flight online, I received a notification that the return flight was moved from morning to afternoon. This worked to our advantage since this allowed us to have extra time to explore Japan.

The Food
I booked online up-sell of Jetstar to add meals to my fare. For about USD 25.00, I received hot meals for both of my flights which I think is a good value for money. The meal set comes with your choice of one hot meal, one cold drink and one hot drink. Here is my Hainese Chicken over a bed of white rice. The food quantity is quite big, quality is good but taste is so-so.

The Seat Pitch
Comparing to Cebu Pacific, the Jetstar Asia have smaller legroom. I was in a window seat and it was a big struggle to go to the bath room. I'm just 5'2'' and my knees are literally touching the front seat. The good thing is that the seat width is wider.

The Cleanliness
The online reviews were right that there's some problem with Jetstar's cleanliness. As I opened the tray table, there were dried bits of food as if the table was not wiped at all for next use.

flight Service
cabin service was quite good,they use Japanese flight attendants onboard. I also like the sleek orange and black uniforms of the flight attendants which leave a very professional impression.

Turbulence Management
Though this is not the fault of the airline, we encountered a series of strong turbulence while in Japanese skies. The captain could have done a better job in informing the passengers ahead of expected turbulence.

Will I fly with Jetstar asia again?
Yes! But I will make sure to book the emergency row seat for extra leg room.

Monday, February 24, 2014

Miascor opens elite Lounge at Davao airport

Miascor,the Manila airport service company in the Philippines,recently opened a elite Lounge at the second floor of Davao International Airport (DIA) or the Francisco F. Bangoy International Airport.

The DIA passenger lounge is the first to be established outside Manila,Miascor Elite Lounge now accept Priority Pass.some airlines elite frequent flyer and some credit card holder can have free access to the lounge with one guest,such as amex Platinum credit card,citi gold card,Diners Club credit card, KLM crown lounge members and Star Alliance Gold members.

other departing passengers can entry the lounge with a fee for P380, one can avail of their unlimited snacks, consisting of pica-pica and drinks prepared by a local caterer, while relaxing in a very cozy atmosphere. The lounge is also equipped with LED-screen cable TV, Wi-fi connection, baggage and coat area and flight information and paging system.

There are more than 20 outgoing flights at the DIA daily.

"This is our first outside Manila. By October, we will be opening another lounge at Mactan International Airport in Cebu," Arambulo said.

And while other cafes at the airport open later in the morning and close earlier in the evening, the lounge makes sure it is ready to serve passengers who have opted to take the earliest and the latest flights departing at DIA.

"We are open as early as 3 a.m. and we close until the last plane out," Noel said.

Sunday, February 23, 2014

how to use Cebu Pacific Voucher to book tickets

 It's easy to convert CEB points into Cebu Pacific Vouchers that you can redeem for airline tickets.

Once a Cebu Pacific Citibank Credit Cardholder accumulates 25000 CEB points, which is equivalent to an E-Voucher worth P250.00, he can convert the CEB points into a Cebu Pacific Voucher by calling the Citibank Hotline at 995-9999 for Metro Manila, 234 9999 for Cebu and 1 800 10 995 9999 for other provinces for the conversion.The eVoucher can be used for booking fees, fare differences and ancillary products of Cebu Pacific.

you will receive an authentication email that contains your e-Voucher password in your email address.After successfully authenticating, you will receive a confirmation email containing the voucher details:
Voucher Number
Expiry Date
Voucher Amount

 Go to and log onto your CEB Club account.

Book tickets.

Select 'e-Voucher' Tab on the Payment Page.
Input the eVoucher Number and its corresponding Expiry Date from the confirmation email you received.
Click on 'Retrieve' button to retrieve the full amount of the Voucher.
Pay for the remaining balance. Multiple E-Vouchers can be used in one booking.

Click on the 'Credit Card' tab and use your Cebu Pacific Citi Card to pay for the remaining balance
Utilize your Travel Fund account
Tick the check box when you have paid the full amount.
Click on the 'Continue' button to go to the next page.

After clicking on the 'Retrieve' button, you will notice that 'Total Amount Due' field is less the amount of the e-Voucher that was successfully retrieved

alaska airlines alliance partners

although Alaska Airlines does not belong to any alliance(OneWorld, SkyTeam, and Star Alliance),it has partnership with many airlines,include AA, Delta,Cathay Pacific, British Airways, Air France, aeromexico,air pacific,emirates,klm,penair,qantas, even Iceland air.

 This actually makes their Mileage Plan program pretty useful, you can credit both AA and Delta miles to Alaska’s Mileage Plan, even though the two airlines belong to different alliances. There’s no other program that affords quite as much flexibility. Because of the variety of partnerships they have, their award chart is a bit more complicated than most. Instead of having a single award chart that’s region based, they have a specific award chart for each of their partner airlines broken down by region.

 as for reward redemption,AS doesn't allow true multi-carrier awards like members of an actual alliance do, but some may find the ability to redeem CX F one way and EK F on the return (a combination no other carrier can do) to be a pretty useful benefit. you only need 25000 mile for coach and 45000 miles for business class roundtrip reward tickets on Cathay pacific flights within Asia. Even more exciting is, transfer 20000 SPG points to Alaska Airlines Mileage Plan,you can get 25000 miles! And no fuel surcharge!

 you can redeem reward tickets on delta,AA and alaska airlines online, for other partner airlines,you need book awards by phone 1-800-307-691,with a booking fee of $25, you can change your reservation for free within 72 hours for international flights, within 24 hours for domestic flights,after that for each change or cancel your reservation there will be a fee of $100. ( ticket change online for $75)

get fairmont premier status from chase visa card

 chase Fairmont Visa Signature Credit Card offer automatic upgrade to fairmont premier status

  you will enjoy Fairmont President's Club Premier benefits such as room upgrade,suite upgrade, US $50 dining (lunch & dinner) or Spa third night on a three-night stay.

chase Fairmont Visa cardholder also get 2 free nights including breakfast for 2 after you spend $1,000 within first 3 months of account opening.After qualifying, you will receive 2 certificates,each redeemable for one night's stay at any Fairmont hotel worldwide. The Certificates will be added to your Fairmont President's Club ("FPC") online profile at

Receive a complimentary annual lounge membership plus 2 free lounge visits each year, for access to over 350 VIP airport lounges in over 200 cities worldwide.

 ear platinum status faster
When you spend $7,500 on your Card, you can get 1 stay credit towards Platinum status, up to a maximum of 2 stay credits per calendar year.

chase Fairmont Visa annual fee $95 is waived for the first year.


more flight redemption values for cibc aventura points

 CIBC has enhanced Aventura Travel Rewards Program, which allows credit card holder to redeem Points for flights on any airline, access every seat on the plane, and pay for flight taxes and fuel surcharge with their points.

Short-haul flights only need 10,000 Aventura Points, you can book long-haul flights to destinations across North America starting at 25,000 Aventura Points.You can redeem Points for full airfare, including taxes and cash required.

An enhanced Aventura Airline Rewards Chart, which will allow clients to enjoy new flight redemption values starting January 1, 2014.

points required for coach flights

canada and US short haul 10000-20000 points
canada and US long haul 25000-35000 points
mexico,alaska,central america,caribbean 40000-60000 points
europe 50000 -70000 points
rest of the world 75000-125000 points

The exact number of Aventura Points needed to book reward flight depends on ticket prices set by airlines. You must have at least 80% of the points required to obtain your desired flight ( you can buy the rest 20%  points at a rate of 1 point = $0.03 CAD).

The Aventura Airline Rewards Chart applies to the following cards:
Aventura Visa Infinite Card,
Business card,
World Elite MasterCard,
Aventura World MasterCard,
Aventura Gold Visa.

 the Aventura program offers a number of further enhancements including:

A special bonus of up to 30,000 Aventura Points for new member who signup the cibc credit card.

The ability to earn more points, faster: Earn 1.5 Aventura Points on purchases at gas stations, grocery and drug stores.

And, comprehensive insurance coverage: New trip cancellation insurance to protect clients from the unexpected when they book travel, in addition to trip interruption and travel medical insurance, including travel medical insurance for Canadians 65 and over.

fairmont amex promo code

For Canadian American Express Platinum members only: Earn Fairmont President´s Club Platinum status after spending five nights at Fairmont properties in 2014 when paying with your AMEX Platinum card.That's a really good deal as it normally requires either 30 nights or 10 stays.

 for new member enroll in Fairmont President’s Club and add enrollment Code: PLAT5 Existing FPC members need to call in and have them add the promotion and you need to add your Amex Plat card to your profile if it's not there already.

For assistance in enrolling in the Fairmont President’s Club program, please contact 1 888 320 5959. At the time of enrollment, please quote enrollment code (PLAT5) or Promotion Code (PLATIN5) associated with the above offer. I suspect this is targetted at Canadian cardholders but foreign Amex Plat cardholders might want to give a call. You don't need to provide the promo code if you call in. 

Experience all the Platinum benefits of Fairmont President’s Club including: Express early check-in and late check-out

 Personalized welcome amenity
free room upgrades
free suite upgrades
Complimentary night
$100 UsD Fairmont dining or willow
 stream spa certificate
earn 1000 airline miles per qualifying stay with air canada,UA, AA,British Airways,Qatar Airways.

Citi LifeMiles Infinite credit card review

Citi LifeMiles Infinite credit card has partnered with taca avianca to offers frequent flyer more privileges and improved benefits, citi lifemile credit card holder can earn up to 60,000 LifeMiles in the first year, in addition to the following benefits:
 you will earn 10000 LifeMiles welcome bonus,5,000 LifeMiles after your first purchase and 5,000 additional LifeMiles when you spend USD $3.000 in the in the first quarter.
Accrual rate: 1 LifeMile per US$1 spent LifeMiles Silver Elite status free during the first year
 Voucher for USD $400 to purchase tickets in Business Class through and applies for fare class C, from Central America (Guatemala, Honduras, El Salvador, Nicaragua, Costa Rica and Panama) to the United States or Canada.

 Benefits of LifeMiles Silver Elite status:
 Priority Airport Check-in Priority
 Boarding Priority
 Baggage Handling additional bonus of 25% of miles flown
Access to Avianca VIP Lounges
 Unlimited upgrades
 Access to Elite call center assistance desk
Advanced notice of LifeMiles promotions

  Star Alliance Silver Status: Priority Reservations, Wait listing, and Priority Airport Standby
 2,000 bonus miles  in member’s birthday month
 LifeMiles will not expire if the member makes at least one purchase with their credit card or flies with Avianca at least once during a 24 month period
 Priority Pass membership
 Benefits in REAL Hotels & Resorts.
Room upgrades in Real Hotels and Resorts when pay your stay with the credit card  Access to Club Lounge Coupon of USD$20 for spa
Early check-in and late check-out.
Benefits Visa Luxury Hotel Collection:
 Best rate guarantee Automatic
room upgrade
Continental breakfast.
Free internet and valet parking.
3 p.m. check out
VIP Guest status
 USD$ 25 valid for daily food or drinks during your stay

Saturday, February 22, 2014


介绍了联盟和一些术语, 现在来比较下美国几家比较大的航空公司里程计划和它们的优劣势。

  UA是目前网上公认的最好的里程订票系统。 很多星空联盟成员的奖励票都能查询到, 并且可以在网上直接订。 它们家允许单程兑换, 但是单程票就不给stopover了。 Roundtrip会给一个停留加两个开口程。 去亚洲可以走大西洋经欧洲,去大洋洲可以经亚洲。 很多人认为它们家的里程是全美最有价值的。

UA和CO以前都是Chase发行的联名信用卡。UA现在最好的offer是4万第一年免年费, 网上传说只要你的UA账户里面有至少1 mile, 你就会在login之后看到5万after first purchase的targeted offer. 如果只看到4万的, 手下留情啊。 有更好的Offer等着你。 Chase的Ultimate Rewards可以1:1的ratio transfer到UA。 现在Chase的Sapphire Preferred是给50k for $3k spend in 3 months, Ink Business卡是给50K for $5k spend in 3 months. 你可以两张一起申请。 除了UA, Chase的UR还可以转到大韩, Amtrak, 和Hyatt等酒店积分计划。

AA: 可兑换单程(one-way), 一年不同时段不同地区有淡季经济舱打折兑换。 淡季经济舱单程欧洲2万里程, 日本2万5。 AA domestic的兑换是不允许停留的。 国际票无论是单程或是往返, 都只可以在North America Gateway City停留, 一个reservation一次(你订两张单程就等于两次勒)。 这个NA Gateway City其实就是指有直飞国际航班的北美city. 比如AA飞上海PVG走的是NYC-Chicago-Shanghai, 如果我想的话我可以在芝加哥停留玩几天. 更绝的是, 同样的stopover rule apply to partner airlines as well, 比如说日航, 国泰。 虽然不可以在它们的Hub东京和香港停留, 但可以绕走它们在北美的夏威夷或温哥华停留。 AA及其伙伴在NYC也有很多国际航班, 所以在NYC的同学们都可以在回程的时候利用停留再给自己加一段以后的旅游行程。 AA的表格上说美国包括夏威夷阿拉斯加, 加拿大, 墨西哥, 和加勒比海地区都属于同一个zone, 那么就是说在NYC停留以后, 我们可以免费给自己在以后的日子加一段到同zone内的另一个地方去玩。 比如EU-NYC和EU-NYC-XXX纽约停留N久再去XXX所需里程数一样。 到时NYC-XXX如果有事去不了, 你也没啥损失。

我们来一个比较夸张的example, 用两个往返trip的里程数换三个往返trip (with NYC being the NA Gateway City):
Trip 1, getting there: US/Mexico/Canada/Caribbean-NYC–Europe
Trip 1, coming back: Europe–NYC-Hawaii (Stopover in NYC)
Trip 2, getting there: Hawaii-NYC-EZE, Buenos Aires, Argentina (Stopover in NYC)
Trip 2, coming back: EZE-NYC-US/Mexico/Canada/Caribbean

充分利用stopover rule, 以上行程淡季的时候总共只需要8万AA里程(经济舱), 在欧洲和南美阿根廷的淡季打折兑换上免费加上了夏威夷。 如果愿意的话, 还可以在头和尾各加上半个trip照样停留NYC, see the crossed out parts.

AA的一大优点是你一旦出了奖励票, 只要你的出发地和目的地不变, 日期可以在330天以内随便改。 缺点是partner award availability要去BA和JAL网上查或直接挂电话给AA查询。 航空伙伴的和带stopover的奖励票也得打电话订, 网上只能出简单的AA自家metal的航班。

Citi发行AA家的三种里程信用卡, personal Visa, personal Amex, 和business Visa. 现在最好的offer是5万 (两种bonus, 看下面link)。 你可以同时用两个浏览器申请两张不同的个人卡。 两三个月以后再申请商业卡。 网上很多人都这样顺利搞了一堆AA里程。 三张卡都是第一年免年费。 它家的联名信用卡持有者, 每个季度还可以打折兑换美加境内往返机票。 比如本来2万5的, 现在只需1万7500. Again, 除非你真的需要, 不然我还是觉得国际长途才是里程最有价值的地方。

50k for $2,500 spend in 4 months, two admirals club passes and double AA miles on AA purchases for 12 months.

50k for $3,000 spend in 4 months, $150 statement credit for the first eligible AA purchase, two admiral passes and double AA miles on AA purchases for 12 months.

达美里程信用卡: Amex发行, 鉴于它们家里程不能以往返里程价的一半兑换单程皆且是几家里最难用的, thus the name SkyPesos, 这家可以等。 等你屯够其它几家的里程了或没卡申请时再来搞它也行。 它们家的award availability很变态, 自家metal经常找不到low的里程奖励票。 还好partner的还不是太差就是要去Air France的网站上找或打电话查询订票。 它家往返不管国内国际都可以一个停留一个开口。 目前听到最好的public offer是30K, 鸡肋还不如啊。 有个77.5k的targeted offer, 不过high spend requirement makes it so so. Amex的Membership Rewards可以1:1的比例转换到DL而且过去两年都时不时有50%的转换奖励, 比如50K的MR转去DL变75K SkyPesos勒。 现在Amex的Premier Rewards Gold卡有一个targeted offer 75K after $1k spend, 算是少见的好勒。 Amex的MR和Chase的UR类似, 可以转到某些其他航空里程计划. To find out if you are targeted or not, clear your cookies, and try your luck here. (Click on ‘not a cardmember yet’ then fill out the form, 75K is worth it.)

US: 这个是Barclay银行发行的, 用一次就给你4万里程首年免年费, 算是相当容易了。 它家的business卡目前是用一次给25K,也算不错就是不免年费。 US过去两年每年9月-11月还举办了个叫Grand Slam Challenge的活动。 就是完成一系列它指定的activity, 它就送你里程。 完成的越多, 送的里程也越多。 很多人都轻轻松松通过这个活动搞了10几万US miles, 成本也就几百块吧, 估计今年还有。 它家和UA同属Star Alliance, 都可以用自家里程换星空联盟成员的航班, 可以用UA的系统查奖励票。 缺点是不给换单程, 订稍微复杂点的票就得挂电话。 优点是回国商务舱往返9万, 可以从大西洋或太平洋走, 停留一次, 欧洲日本哪个方向都没问题。 另外乘坐US自家metal淡季往返欧洲商务舱只需6万, 联名信用卡持有者每次兑换里程奖励票不管路线可再减5K。 这样说来, 如果你有它家信用卡, 一张欧洲往返商务舱可以用55K就搞定勒。 还有就是它们家的agent是业界公认地理知识最差的, 这可以是好事也可以是坏事, 碰到个好忽悠的说不定能给你出张N个stopover十几个航段的票也没准。 总之得看人品YMMV.


British Airways Chase联名卡, 现在的offer是5万for $2500 spend in 3 months. Unlike上面说到的以zone划分的里程兑换表格, BA家是distance-based并允许单程兑换. 用它家的里程兑换AA及其partner的短途non-stop那是相当划算啊。 举例, AA纽约飞多伦多单程4500, 国泰上海飞香港7500. Another reason to save your other miles for long-haul premium! 去年这张卡有offer过10万的bonus, 今年会不会再出现就只有Chase才知道勒。

Alaska: BOA发行它家联名信用卡。 Alaska航空也算是一朵奇葩勒。 本身没有在三大联盟里, 积攒和兑换的合作伙伴却都不少。 被戏称为"Whore of the Sky"。 AA, DL, Cathay, Qantas, Korean, LAN, Air France等等都可以用阿拉斯加航空里程兑换。 它家目前的offer并不出彩, 所以就不多介绍了。

Hawaiin Airlines & Virgin Atlantic: Bank of Hawaii和BOA发行的信用卡, 这两个航空公司的里程兑换少有人问津, 大家都是搞它们的里程然后以1:2的比例转换到Hilton的酒店积分计划。 目前HA最好的offer是35K, VA的是50K, 两家都不waive年费. 这俩也是可以放到以后的。

多数常客积分都有expiration period, 但你只要每过一阵子动一动就没事。 用它家的shopping portal, 刷它家的信用卡, donate或transfer几个mile等等都算。 在某种程度上, 我把里程和积分看作是另类货币。 So diversification is just as important. 要知道每个计划都有自己的优势。 有些里程计划能让你hold票, 你过几天再confirm也不迟. 有些会有close –in fee, 就是离出发日期很近了所收的额外费用。 有的可以换单程(UA/AA), 有的淡季有兑换折扣(AA/US), 有的不收燃油费等等。 何况谁知道哪天哪个计划会有变动. 总之, 只要是零/低成本的, 咱就宁杀错不放过。


 刚开始旅行时觉得坐经济舱没什么。 等到你明白和体会到积攒里程可以是多么得简单和迅速, 一次商务舱的体验你就再也回不去了, 你就会想在住宿方面也upgrade下勒。 其实同样的攻略在酒店积分这块也适用。 好好的选择你申请的信用卡, 双管齐下, travel in style从没如此容易过。

酒店常客计划虽然没有航空里程那么复杂, 但各计划也不尽相同, 兑换表格也相差甚远。 酒店集团通常会把旗下酒店分等级category, 高档点的还会有special tier(比如Ritz Carlton和Waldorf Astoria), 然后根据property的等级来决定兑换1晚要多少积分。 当然啦, 每过一阵子, 各集团会根据业绩等因素重新评估各property的定位而有所更改。 有些会move up兑换变贵, 有些会move down变得便宜, 有些照旧不变。

每家常客积分计划都有自己的兑换表格, 差不多档次property的所需积分各有不同。 比如你想在某酒店林立的城市换一晚中档酒店房, 希尔顿Hilton有可能要4万分, 万豪Marriot要3万, 而喜达屋和海悦有可能只要1万。 去到高档点的兑换, 差距会更大, 具体就得看每家计划的兑换table, 乍看A计划的points有可能会比B计划的值钱好用。 But what if B集团全球有4000多家酒店, 而A集团只有300多家? 而且它们累积的方式也有可能大不相同。 Again, the importance of diversification should not be underestimated.

Hyatt(规模相对小点): Chase银行发行, 开户之后用一次就送2晚free nights, 所有旗下property均适用。 年费$75虽不waive,但那两晚如用在某些豪华酒店(such as Park Hyatt Paris)肯定值回票价. 之后每年送一晚category 1-4的免费入住.

Hilton: Citi和Amex各有发行联名信用卡, 送5万和6万。 由于它家的兑换有点小贵(希尔顿北京王府井属于category 6的, 要4万一晚), 我建议这家可以等。

SPG(Starwood): Amex发行, 现在最好的offer是用第一次给1万SPG分, 6个月内刷到$5K再给1万5。 它们家的卡和里程很多人追捧, 原因除了之前提过的够flexible可以转去其它航空里程计划之外, 还可以在某些property用cash+points兑换。 比如说, 旗下某家酒店1晚的零售价是$300, 全用积分兑换要1万分, 而C&P只要4800分加$60。 以maximize value per point为基准, 显然C&P在这里是最好的deal. 这张卡谁要申请记得通知我, 让我refer你哈. 你的offer不变, 我可以有5千referral bonus。

Marriott Chase 联名信用卡, public最好offer是用一次就给5万加1晚category 1-4的free night. 不过很多人都有收到7万的targeted offer. 它家的积分兑换也不比希尔顿便宜多少(香港JW万豪是category7的, 每晚要3万5千分)。 如果你没被target到, 那就等等。

Priority Club(包括Holiday Inn, Intercontinental等): 还是Chase, public最好offer是6万, targeted最好8万。 它家的points每分成本不应该超过6毛。 为什么呢? 因为只要你帐户里有5千分就有方法在它网站上用$60买1万分。 具体操作有小窍门, 这里我就不说了。 等你啥时候需要了,咱来解惑。 提到这个成本问题是想说如果你哪天有幸纠结于用它家积分还是pay cash这个问题上时, 你可以用房价和所需兑换积分乘以6毛做个比较。 $300一晚或4万积分? 答案显而易见。 它家还有一大卖点就是会有个points break list滚动更新, 上面的酒店5千分一晚打折兑换, 选择还不少。

航空里程和酒店积分是两种不同的animal, 因为前者选择少后者则是多如繁星。 地球上的航空公司来来去去也就这么多家, 可酒店呢? 真的是什么风格什么价位的都有。 如果一定要拿里程和积分做个比较,那么在绝大多数情况下, 1里程肯定比1积分值钱。 什么情况下这个说法不一定成立呢? 比如你要去Bora Bora, Maldives这些很exotic地方的时候, 要住overwater bungalow的时候, 房价分分钟过千, 用几万积分兑换一晚还是很划算的。 如果你是光屁股菜鸟刚刚开始这个hobby/game, 建议你先从航空里程和transferable rewards(下面会说)下手, 只要去到目的地了, 酒店可以用Pricline和其它方法搞定。


 Citi ThankYou Points虽然提供5万分的开户奖励,但并不能转去其它常客计划, 所以真正能转换积分的也就只有Chase的Ultimate Rewards和Amex的Membership Rewards了。 其实以前这一类积分是MR占优势的, 后来Chase修改了自己的program奋起直追才有今天平分天下的局面。

 现在已有很多人说UR在某些方面已经超越了MR。 UR最有价值的地方是可以把积分以1:1的比例转到UA和Hyatt去订机票或酒店。 美联航所属的星空联盟成员之多覆盖之广是其它两联盟没法比的。 最重要的是它的系统完善award availability加上不收燃油费网上订票容易, 瞬间就把AA/DL/US给比下去了。 Hyatt一直在luxury chain酒店这块表现得不错, 看看欧亚的Grand Hyatt和Park Hyatt就知道了。 它家最top的酒店需要2万2千积分兑换1晚, 可那1晚轻轻松松就是超过$1K的零售价。 或许你说不需要住那么好的酒店, 但人吗, 总有碰到special occasion的时候, 用里程和积分换次难忘的体验还是值得的。

Chase旗下有三张卡是属于Ultimate Rewards这个积分计划的, 但只有两张是有转换去其它航空公司和酒店常客计划这个功能的, 就是Chase Sapphire Preferred 和Chase Ink Bold Business. 另外一张是没有年费的Chase Freedom, 这张卡每个季度都会推出不同的5X bonus category, 但是如果你单单只有这张信用卡, 你是没有办法把你的UR转去其它计划的, 只能换换商品, gift card, 和statement credit, 跟cash back卡差别不大。 但是, 有一个曲线救国的办法, 持Freedom卡的人是可以把自己账户里的UR转去给其他UR账户的哦。 所以呢, 就算你只有Freedom, 只要你认识的人有Sapphire和Ink, 你可以把你的UR转给别人, 让别人再转去你需要的里程或积分计划。 如果你同时拥有Freedom和Sapphire或Ink, 那你Chase的UR账户合并了就会有transfer这个选项。 老实说, 我觉得Freedom卡是现下no-fee卡里最好用的了, 现在还给3万sign-on bonus, 没有的同学都应该去申请一张, 以后也可以搞张Sapphire和Ink帮补下。 如果手上已有N张Chase的免费卡, 又因为卡龄很久而不舍得关, 没关系, secure message给Chase要求他们把它转换成Freedom卡。 我现在手上的Freedom就是去年从张没啥benefit的免费卡转的。 是的, 我没有拿到sign-on bonus, 但我省了个credit pull也可以延续以前那张卡的account age, 我觉得值.

之前在airline篇文里提到过, Sapphire Preferred目前最好的offer是5万积分,有$3K in 3 months的刷卡要求, 每年还有7%的所得积分奖励, 首年免年费, 境外消费没有foreign transaction fees。 Ink Bold的最好offer也是5万, 3个月$5K的要求, 首年免年费, 境外消费也没有foreign transaction fees。

Amex的MR计划虽然航空和酒店合作伙伴众多(不包括UA/AA/Hyatt等), 但各有各的缺点, 需要做点功课。 会用的人还是能把它发扬光大的。 它最有价值的地方就是过去两年它时常推出30%-50% bonus的transfer promo, 如果是50%bonus的话, 5万MR 转去DL或BA就是7万5千了。 它还有一个优势就是它家的转换多数都是即时的。 如果你在计划一个行程时发现哪个计划缺了那么点点, 你可以马上用MR转来top off然后出票。 之前提到的SPG积分虽然也可以转去很多航空里程计划, 但是需要几天的时间处理。

Amex的Platinum和Gold卡给的都是Membership Reward points, 各有personal和business的版本。 Platinum有$450的年费, 首年不waive, 目前最好的offer是5万, 3个月$3K的消费要求。 Gold卡的最好offer是2万5千, 首年免交年费$175, 3个月$2K的刷卡要求。 鉴于不管白金卡还是金卡去年都有推出过7万5的promo, 我建议同学们可以等等, 想必今年还会有类似的promo卷土重来的。 上一篇airline文讲DL的地方有提到过金卡现在有个7万5的targeted offer, 你可以用我给的link看看自己有没有中奖。

我觉得UR和MR这两个program是可以互补的。同时把两家计划的balance build起来,以后出行可以有更多的possibility让你充分发挥想象力,何乐而不为呢。


 Delta的里程获得主要就是AMEX Platinum Delta/Delta Reserve信用卡, 时不时有75K的Offer。 除此以外就是鸡肋,为啥? 1. 之前的Companion Pass 马上就会Cut, 之后也没了。 2. American express不如Visa方便+累积的是Delta自己的Mile而不是Amex Points.

Delta里程价值很低, 因为:
0. 只允许往返, 不允许单程(UA AA都允许单程)。为啥? 因为Delta要卖贵的单程的Revenue Ticket!
1. Delta的里程预定系统以破著称! 比如到最后Delta会突然告诉你航班Low Level Award没了! UA系统就几乎不会出这种问题。
2. Delta Skymiles管理层故意这样! 希望大家最后以Medium/High Level而不是Low Level换票。 尽量把Delta自己航班放到前边, Partner的放到最底下故意不给你看! 有些Award Availability 在你搜索不同出发目的地的时候是不一样的, Delta自己人把这个叫做 “Paired Availability”. 举个例子, 如果你从B-C搜索里程票搜索不到的话, A-(B)-C可能就可以, 因为Delta认为A是个高度竞争的市场, 所以会放出更多里程票位置。 所以你就订A-B-C吧, 然后请Agent把A-B给你去掉, Agent会说不行(实际上他们系统Program成就是不行), 悲剧吧。。。。
3. Delta Agent 相比其他公司的知识匮乏, 缺乏训练, 经常都搞不清楚自己的合作伙伴。

尽管它特别便宜,Delta Miles, 特别是大额的Delta Miles是非常非常出名的难获得, 为啥? 就是因为它不好用, 因为它便宜, 因为它国内航点少, 谁积它? 没人,
特别是华人里面更少。 一般有大额Delta里程的人都是住在Delta Hub的因为工作原因方便出差的人。

所有这一切都不妨碍Delta里程的巨大用途, 可以变废为宝! 为啥, 因为有的人少,能查票的人少, 能找到合适Delta Agent电话过去给你Book的人少, 所以旺季时候Delta 的那些Partner 位置, 在UA的那些Partner都没有位置的情况下, 还能剩有位置, 而且经常都不止一张!所以Delta是一个经典的靠知识变废为宝的东西!

1。 法航也有信用卡, 不过Bonus非常少, 也是实属鸡肋。 不过法航相比Deta有个巨大优势, 就是可以在线查询+预定+允许 One Way, 所以法航里程也好用。
2. 法航几乎随时都有50% Promo,每次差别是针对不同航线, 不同仓位啥的。大家想想打半价多划算呀。 所以如果目的地或者出发地是欧洲真不错。


每个人都想尽量从信用卡申请中得到最大的利益,这里一是要选对卡,二是要提高申请成功率, 这个就要看你的信用分数高不高了。

利润=从商家手里收取的信用卡刷卡手续费-Probability (客户还不起 Default 的概率)*还不起的钱数-吸引新客户成本- 日常消费的Rewards

信用卡刷卡手续费: 大体上而言Visa, Master同等水平上都是2.X%, American express稍微贵一些3.X%。 这个是为什么很多商家不收Amex原因, 这也是为何American express信用卡开卡Bonus+平时的Rebate也特别好原因: 看上面利润等式,能收到的多, 那么给客户的回馈也多。  所以大家平时要多用Amex (大叔此时邪恶的笑了。。。)+不要Abuse Amex的信用卡, 和他们保持良好的长期的客户关系最重要。

Probability of Credit Default. 银行在决定这个时候基本看三个因素: 社会通常宏观经济情况+金融市场情况+信用卡持有人自己的情况。 前两个其实是为什么这两年
Credit Limit远没有金融危机之前多的原因了, 因为银行要控制“Probability (客户还不起 Default 的概率)*还不起的钱数”两个的乘积。 几天说的重点信用分其实就是把Probability of Credit Default due to Obligator’s Information 转换到0-830(或者其他数值)的尺度上一种重新表述而已。

如何提高信用卡申请成功率? 就是下面的如何通过一个一个因素影响你的信用分了。

1. Credit Card Utilization [影响相对高]. 这个简而言之就是信用卡欠款/Credit Ratio的日平均。大家看图1. 在1-20%这个区间里最好。 所以大家信用卡不要大量消费
, 让它低于20%。 可以用用还还用用还还, 这样日平均还是比较低的。 另外一方面, 信用卡也千万不要不用, 长时间不用信用卡会导致银行以Low Activities为理由关卡, 这个损失可就太大了。

2. Payment History [影响相对高]。A就是100%,大家注意只要降到99%就是B了。 所以大家务必准时还款。 银行有一个“Minimum Payment”, 那个的目的是银行为了赚取高额信用卡利息, 对信用分一点好处都没有。 所以大家务必100% 准时还款。

3. Age of Credit History [影响中].  这里其实有两个, 一个是“Old Credit Card”, 一个是“Average Credit Card Life”。 所以大家到了美国就去开信用卡, 这个Credit History才长。 银行说不给你开怎么半? 没问题,可以交一点Security Deposit办Secured Credit Card, 这个当然也算信用卡。 同时也千万不要关第一张信用卡, 一点年费就一点年费, 那个相比对信用分的影响是Nothing。 针对第二个 Average Credit  Card Life, 所以需要尽可能保持老的信用卡, 这样才可以Balance新卡Short Life的影响。 所以这里建议大家可以先开那些每年的Benefit > Annual Fee 的卡, 然后一辈子Keep住, 他们的存在价值就是在没啥损失的情况下Balance新卡对Age of Credit History的影响.

4. Total Accounts [影响相对低]   这个大家可能觉得诡异, 为何账户数量越多, 反倒评分越高? 仔细想想a) 账户多, 说明可以在一张卡没钱还时候从另外一张卡
Balance Transfer, 这样对于银行而言 Credit Default风险就低 b) 你如果自己Financial Situation如果不好, 咋可能有这么多信用卡. 所以在银行眼里, 21+反倒是A, 因为代表你安全! 当然这个不是绝对的, 实际上真的过高的话, 因为每个金融机构对于在那个机构里持卡数量有限制, 过多的话就不给开新卡了.

5. Credit Inquiries [影响相对低]  这里指的是Hard Pull. 简而言之就是申新卡的时候银行要Hard Pull 你的Credit. 这里当然是越少越好. 为啥? 别人平白无故Hard Pull你的Credit呀? 说明你犯事了呗...........这个暗示你不如以前"Safe"了. 所以对于新手而言, 千万不要过早申请那些难度很高的卡, 因为那个不会通过+白白浪费Hard Pull. 结果会恶性循环.......进一步降低下次申请成功率. 这里也请注意, 不仅仅申请信用卡可以导致Hard Pull, 申请电话签约, Utility, 甚至租房什么的, 也会导致Hard Pull. 除了某些实在没法避免的, 比如租房一类, 个人觉得少于$1500的HardPull都是浪费. 这个也是为啥大叔到现在都不用Postpaid的原因. $1500足够买市场上常见的任何主流手机了, 而且还省得运营商苛捐杂税 (Prepaid是不用付苛捐杂税的, 联邦有法律)

6. Derogatory Marks [影响相对高]  这个就是犯了比如破产一类大事了......这个没啥好说的.

具体怎么用上面的123456, 就看每个人智慧了. 大叔也可以针对每个人具体情况建议不同的产品, Optimize这个最大收益. 基本每人每年只靠着信用卡拿回来 $20K
equivalent 的东西是非常容易的. 市面上常见的信用卡大叔基本都有过......... 每个人情况不同, 建议都完全不同.


 不知大家注意到没有, 去年很多人以1.3-1.4 Cent/Mile 的价格购入英航里程, 咋今年突然就跌倒目前的1.0-1.05了呢,这里大概有两个原因:

去年BA 调整了他们的里程兑换表, 从 Area Based 到 Distance Based, 啥意思呢,比如以前从美国的某个地方A, 经过亚洲的某个地方B, 最终到亚洲目的地C, 以前因为是Area Based, 所以可能收70K Miles, 现在是Distance Based, 实际是A-B这一段Segment所对应的Miles + B-C这一段Segment所对应的Miles,结果就造成这两个加起来现在可能就需要100K了。 兑换同样的东西需要的里程多了, 那么相应里程就贬值了。 大家可能奇怪, 为什么里程会贬值呢? 因为通货膨胀。 如果社会通货膨胀每年在5%左右, 那么航空公司必须每2-3年调整一下兑换表来反映这个通货膨胀, 这个其实是航空公司为啥时不时涨Miles的根本原因, 每到这个时候Miles就会突然贬值了。 不过这个还不是1.3-1.4 突然跌到1.0-1.05的原因。


因为上面说的BA把里程兑换表调整到了Distance Based, 那么啥时候用英航里程最划算呀? 根据之前说的, 当然是短途+直接买票非常贵的时候了。 当然了, 国内的旅行社非常迅速的意识到了这点, 意识到了用英航里程换JAL的中日线可是个巨大商机。JAL是BA在One World联盟里面的Partner,JAL的中日线直接买票价格高, 但是距离短, 用BA换最合适。 全世界哪BA Miles最多? 当然是美国!为啥不是英国, 因为BA当然在自己的本土英国对Miles“惜售如金”, 怕伤害到了自己的正常运营利益(都用Miles换了, 那谁还买票呀), 但是需要极力扩大美国市场, 所以联合了Chase推出开信用卡送10万Miles, 联合Amex推出转Amex 30-50% Bonus活动。 在美国市场BA的担心稍微小一些, 因为对于主流美国人想当然兑换的美国-英国航线上BA收很高的燃油附加费, 所以堤内损失堤外补, 没事!

回到八卦“正题”上来, 因为美国BA Miles最便宜, 所以国内的旅行社Agent就委托Mitbbs上的神医们不遗余力的收购呗, 这是为啥大家之前见到很多神医 “大量求购BA”的原因。 问题来了, 有了Miles就大量换JAL中日线呗, 去年暑假时候对JAL正常的Revenue产生了比较大的影响, 大家都用里程换了, 谁还买票呀。 然后JAL就向BA抗议, BA立即:
1. 关闭了通过BA网站兑换所有JAL航班的功能, 首先把JAL从搜索结果里面屏蔽掉。 BA说是Technical Reason, 呵呵。
2. 全面Audit 出JAL航班的BA帐户, 比如看Account Holder名字和乘客名字是否一致, Account Holder地址和主要登陆IP是否一致, 账户里出了多少张票, 等等, 然后对所有因素加权平均计算出来一个指数, 然后就开始封帐户了。光我知道的就有3个人, 一个人还有30多万余额的帐户被封, 另外一个有20多万余额的帐户被封, 还有一个人是好多帐户, 一共200张票都出问题了, 一共损失20多万。 最关键的是有些人在机场被Denied Boarding, 因为要赔偿, 间接损失更惨。 这个直接导致了他们原话 

3. 现在经常预定BA机票时候在压根没有填生日地方, 尽管可以收到Confirmation,但是实际上是没有Ticket的。 如果你没注意到, 那么到机场实际是没法登机的。 这
个时候需要打电话过去, 验证Account Holder所有信息, 告诉Passenger 生日才能正常Ticket。

国内的旅行社有了“巨大的心理阴影”后, 那么美国那些神医们自然要的就少了。不过所有这些都不妨碍BA 仍然是所有Frequent Flyer 自己旅行必备的Program之一!如何合理使用英航里程可以其他帖子细说。


面有很多经验, 希望对大家有所帮助。列个表吧。

1.    一定给老人一个美国的Prepaid的手机卡 。 很便宜, 比如T-Mobile的也就$1,
题, 这个时候电话卡有大作用。 大叔曾经在ORD, SFO, DTW等机场碰到过因为飞机
延误导致错过Connection的中国老人家一个人在机场一片茫然, 在那干着急,这个时
候真想F**K 他们的儿女都跑哪去了! 大家不要觉得延误错过Connection是个很低
Probability的事, 根据个人经验, 一般在10-20%左右。 某些美国机场设计复杂,
经常需要换Terminal。 所有这些时候电话非常重要? 为啥, 可以让父母把电话给要
和他们说话的人, 然后你和对方说, 然后再讲给父母, 他们就不会那么紧张。 我岳
父有一次广州飞汉城然后到旧金山。 结果广州汉城的延误了, 错过下面的飞旧金山的航班
, 只好改签到LAX, 然后就是靠着这个电话搞定了LAX的过海关, 取行李, 改签,
换Terminal等一系列问题。 这个几块钱千万不能省!

2.    转机地点。 如果需要转机, 尽量安排在或者北美或者国内, 而不是日本, 韩
国, 德国一类的地方。 因为如果在北美或者国内如果出问题可以电话联系, 在其他
国家因为手机没有漫游, 就非常困难了。

3.    转机时间。 出美国时候建议最少2个小时。入美国时候建议最少3个小时, 特别
是在海关高峰时间。 这个主要是抵消可能的前面一段航空公司延误的影响. 进美国时候需
要时间更多一些是因为需要过海关+额外取行李+重新托运, 这些大概需要1个小时时

.    婴儿。 2岁是个坎。 2岁以下, 不占用座位, 只需要Full Fare的10% 或者是
Miles的10%(这个比前者实际Cost便宜很多)。不同公司标准不同。 所
以如果婴儿是个往返, 去的时候小于两岁, 回来超过两岁, 那么订两个单程比一个往返划算, 因为节省了去的那一段里程!

5.    大家知道婴儿有时候比较吵闹, 会影响到同机旅客,这个很难控制。 尽管可能
不太厚道, 但是在Business Class 放婴儿摇篮整个比经济舱宽松些, 而且相对安静
, 这样妈妈和小孩儿都比较舒适一些。





我们要完成环游世界的梦想,在里程换票的过程中,主要要用到两个比较关键的东西 Stopover  以及 Open Jaw。




相对星空联盟里的航空公司,我们横向比较,US Airways (全美航空公司)以及 Asiana (韩亚航空公司)应该是最好的选择,前者一般里程换票不会收取燃油税,后者有强大的中文客服,更适合中国人,更关键的是后者有超高的金卡升舱率以及里程换票中可以设置4个 Stopover 以及 一个 Open Jaw,这个代表什么意义我可以解释下,就是你可以在一次旅行中,你可以玩6个地方,如果是放在欧洲,你仅仅一次去欧洲的里程换票,就可以差不多把整个欧洲重要地方全部玩遍了。更重要的是 Asiana 里程票退票,里程100%返还。

为什么我还把US Airways 全美航空跟 Asiana 韩亚航空一起认为是最好的星空联盟里的航空公司选择,就一个理由,US Airways 如果不靠飞行,你积累里程是最容易的,因为可以买,而且很多时候会买一送一,下面是买 Dividend Miles 的官方链接,但是没有活动不要买,有买一送一活动的时候一定要买:

同时,如果你要是人在美国,会发现用 US Airways 的信用卡,累计里程也非常快,而且快得难以想象。

下面,我们就用一个里程换票的样本,来解释如何 120000 Miles 坐头等舱环游世界一周:


这是一套完整的绕地球飞一圈,全程头等舱或者商务舱的飞机票预定样本,其中燃油税价格为 $122.46美元,使用换票的航空公司为 US Airways 全美航空。航程时间为19天,8个航段,7个城市,5个国家,3个大洲。

如果我们用整个航线的价格来说,120000 US Airways Dividend Miles 遇到买一送一的活动,那么平均价格 1 Mile = 0.011 USD,120000 Miles = 1320 USD,外加 $ 122.46 美元的燃油税,整个价格不到 1500 美元,换算为人民币不超过1万人民币!全程头等舱或者商务舱!不知道看到这里,各位读者有什么想法没?









Friday, February 21, 2014


俄罗斯航空现在以低廉的价格吸引从欧洲去亚洲乘客,一般无特殊情况,价格就是比别人低,达到了薄利多销的效果。 而且对行李的控制及其严格,一旦超重,那绝对是罚你没商量。由于价格低廉,飞机经常爆满,像芬兰航空那种我一人睡一排的好时候想都不用想了。

但是,既然你卖这种从欧洲经莫斯科中传去亚洲的票,你应该有个起码说的过去的便于中传的机场吧。 到了莫斯科机场我算是开了眼了。 我们的大巴(在欧洲我就没走过几次桥)到达后,我一进大厅就吓到了。 黑压压的一片,队伍其长无比,大家都拿着护照等着过海关,也不分什么俄国人,外国人,都在那排着,这点我们中国好呆有个线给自己的国人呀!我当时想,无所谓,反正我转机,不用给他们在那挤。 转弯拿着箱子上了楼梯去转机区!

一上楼梯,我惊了!春运,又见春运,几百号人在那排着等着过转机安检,但是只有一个安检线。几百号人在那挤来挤去,都恨不得在加个塞早点过去。我在那线里排了1个半小时才过去。 好久没有这样排过队了!本以为在这里挤完了,就等着上飞机了,没想到更荒唐的还在后面


去休息室伸了伸腿,到登机门前等着上飞机了。由于前面去布鲁塞尔的飞机晚了,所以登机门那里推了好多等着去北京的人,本身登机就晚了20分钟开始。由因为是坐大巴,所以登机门也就没有线分的那么清楚,大家蜂拥而上。 但是登机门口的人把所有从任何机场转机来的人叫到了一边,说是飞机机型换了,所以要重新发登机牌。这是3个工作人员拿着一大把登机牌开始叫名字换登机牌,而我由于是在SVO换过一次座位,所以是新飞机的座位号,就冒充换完了,下楼上了大巴。

由于大多数人还在下面忙着换登机牌,第一辆大巴装满莫斯科当地登机的人,开到飞机边上了! 一上飞机, 空姐就一直喊”due to aircraft change, free seating” 我靠!!你们不是他妈有病吗,在门口那排着大队换登机牌,上来就变成随便坐!这耽误多少时间。随便坐就随便变吧,我想这随便坐估计也不满,就还是坐我的中间4个座位的走道,希望旁边没有人。不知道这个俄国同胞和祖国同胞都怎么想的,放着那么多空座不坐,一屁股就坐在我旁边,也就是4个座位的中间2个!无语了!


最后再说说这架飞机。我上次说过MAD-SVO的飞机很新,这家飞机我都快吐了,是架767,一看就是从中国航空公司买的2手货,因为到处写着中文,还不是一般的旧。 再说俄航也够省钱的,连一个会讲中文的空乘都不请,飞机上会讲中文的空乘讲的我都听不懂。



以前达美推出了新人大促销活动,相信很多飞友都获得了数量可观的delta airline mile。那么如何兑换才划算呢?下面我来给大家说一个兑换的可能性。

说到达美的里程兑换,大家的感觉就是价格很贵! 因为只能兑换往返机票,还有奖励票要征收燃油税费。其实达美航空有天合联盟的合作伙伴,兑换还是有一些优势的,比如说兑换欧洲的俄罗斯航空,商务舱经常性很多座位,又比如说兑换中东的沙特航空(Saudi Arabian Airlines), 经常该航空长距离商务舱都是8个那么多一起放出来的,还没有燃油税费。

今天主要来说说我用达美换过最便宜的的一个商务舱多程奖励票。就是大韩航空 的韩国国内商务舱奖励票兑换。这个兑换只需要你支出12000达美里程,便可以轻松乘坐商务舱,在韩国国内玩多两个目的地。


由于网上我知道的各种途径都不能直接查询到大韩航空国内奖励票的座位情况,所以建议直接打电话给亲爱的大韩客服,报出具体航班号和日期,查询奖励票位置。(查询代码目前为商务=O, 经济=X, 但由于天合终于要统一预定代码了,所以可能会变)。大韩自己常客计划兑换国内奖励票也是一样标准。 如果你有足够的大韩航空里程,也就是大于6000, 在大韩航空官网则可以直接查询。很遗憾,如果你的里程不足,则无法查询。其实个人感觉查不查都无所谓,因为韩国境内的奖励票真心的多,我查的时候基本上都是O=6,O=8之类的。

大韩客服中国电话:40065-88888, 美国电话(有中文选项):800.438.5000。

在电话中查询到奖励票座位情况后,就可以给我们亲爱的达美中国客服中心(其实是新加坡客服接听)打电话了。 电话号码:800 650 0472或者是 800 265 0488。

我换这个票的时候,还是在美国,但我也是给这个中心打电话的。为什么呢? 倒不是因为啥语言亲切感问题,而是这个客服中心: 1. 不收取你的电话服务费(25USD)2. 会很努力地帮你解决问题

这个票的票规里面明确规定了,允许一个停留,也就是比如我从首尔出发,可以先去济州岛,作为目的地,玩几天,然后飞去釜山作为停留再玩几天,之后在返回首尔。但是很奇怪的是,达美电脑里面自己出出来的,是要求收你18,000里程的,也就是说要多收你一个航段的钱的。美国客服那边,坚持认为电脑是对的,要收我18,000. 于是乎只能给新加坡打电话了。

一个电话过去,新加坡客服先是和我抱歉,说按照票价规则确实只应该收取12,000里程而并非18,000里程。但由于系统原因,他们自己没办法调整,只能给后台调整。让我等待了半小时后,后台调整成功,我们终于成功地出了这张ICN-CJU(目的地)-PUS(停留)-GMP的票了。由于GMP, ICN都在首尔,所以可以算作同一个机场。韩国国内飞机税费极其便宜,三个航段也只用区区77元的税费。

大韩国内的商务舱,由于飞行航程较短,是没有餐食的,但会有饮料(包括酒精饮料)。 好运的话还可能飞到有平躺坐椅的A333


Thursday, February 20, 2014




 马航目前以A380执飞KUL-LHR,与KUL-CDG 吉隆坡到伦敦和法国巴黎的两条航线。提供寰宇一家联盟航空里程兑换的奖励机票可以在英航网站BA.com上搜寻。

 虽然马来西亚航空A380商务舱奖励机票放得很多。可是A380头等舱就不提供给寰宇一家伙伴航空里程兑换了。 不过这也没有关系,还有新加坡航空公司的A380头等舱/豪华套房可以用成本较低的里程兑换。

oneworld飞行常客奖励计划的会员可以累积、兑换马航的里程并享受相应的礼遇。   马航目前已经加入环球票价(Global Explorer) ,即oneworld成员及部分非成员的环球票体系。2013年2月1日起,马航遍及近30个国家的60多个目的地的航线网络将纳入“寰宇一家”联盟的票价及产品范围。

Enrich白金卡会员可享受“寰宇一家”Emerald绿宝石卡会员级别礼遇,Enrich金卡会员可享受“寰宇一家”蓝宝石卡会员礼遇,而Enrich银卡会员则可享受寰宇一家Ruby红宝石卡会员礼遇。   自2013年2月1日起,Enrich白金卡和金卡会员在搭乘联盟航空公司成员的航班时,可以享用oneworld的机场贵宾休息室。  

Wednesday, February 19, 2014


下面给大家介绍一下神卡 Chase Sapphire,是美国大通银行发行的蓝宝石首选信用卡,他有各种丰富的奖励。

1. 开卡的三个月内花费三千美元,你就会得到40000 points。价值500美元,也可以换成美联航的40000 miles 里程,回国往返机票只需要65000 miles 里程。
2. 2 points/$ on travel and dining
3. 3 points/$ if book through Ultimate Rewards
4. 年内获得新积分提供7%的奖励。
5. Points用于旅游时费用20% off
6. Points可以转给其它一些常客计划。
7. 可以合并Freedom的points
8. $95年费(第一年免)

Chase Sapphire preferred信用卡第一年免费,第二年会收取95美元的年费。其利率为15.24%,不过也可能会有变动。

1. 积分的价值
积分可以1:1的转给UA, Southwest, Marriott, Hyatt, Priority等航空公司或酒店常客计划或者直接八折book travel
UA: 0.5 ~ 4+ cents/point
Southwest: 1.67 cents/point
Marriott/Hyatt/Priority: 0.5 ~ 2+ cents/point
Book travel: 1.25 cents/point
(1) Benefit第5项的八折感觉没啥意义,如果积分足够订票还不如转了里程再换……
(2) 美联航境内往返reward ticket需要25K, 想达到与现金1:2兑换的价值(机票原价超过$500)感觉基本只能靠飞阿拉斯加或者故意买高价票了…… 于是以下均以1 point = 1.67 cents 为标准

2. Cash Back Rate (包括年度7%的bonus)
(1) Travel/Dining: 3.6%
(2) Travel via Ultimate Rewards: 5.4%
(3) 其它消费: 1.8%
*(4) Freedom的点数可以用来兑换里程,即升值为1.67 cents/point

3. 消费策略
把所有花销分为旅行, Dining, 其它三类,假设除蓝宝石外另有餐饮4% (比如Forward), 旅游和其它2% (比如Priceline)的信用卡
(1) 其它消费 (1.8%对2%), 餐饮消费(3.6%对4%), 考虑到里程价值的不确定性,不抠太细的话都可以考虑使用蓝宝石信用卡
(2) 旅游消费3.6%, 除非使用别的信用卡有额外的福利(免费托运行李或是常旅计划专用信用卡)基本上都是蓝宝石信用卡了
(3) 是否使用Ultimate Rewards (5.4%):在官网和Ultimate Rewards价钱相同的情况下
a. airline tikcets:第三方订票一样有里程
b. hotel:第三方订房一般没有积分
c. car rental:有些公司官网租车有积分(比如National)但是不确定使用第三方会怎样
*已确认,National和Dollar都允许通过第三方累积free day credits
结论就是吃饭旅游和日常没有其它bonus的消费都可以用chase蓝宝石,另外订机票时可以通过Ultimate Rewards, 旅馆和租车则视loyalty program的积分价值而定
 **p.s. 适用范围比我想象中要大,本来以为平时消费根本用不上……

4. 年费:由于每年没有额外的福利,计算$95的年费是否划算如下
假设每年旅游消费$T, 餐饮消费$D, 其它消费$O, Freedom攒点F
使用蓝宝石:回报X = 3.6T(或5.4T) + 3.6D + 1.8O + 1.67F - 9500
不用蓝宝石:回报Y = 2T + 4D + 2O + F
(1) 极端情况下,即平时不用蓝宝石,只用来升值Freedom的积分,每年需要14K以上的Freedom积分(平均每月1200点)能值回年费
(2) 另外一个极端情况下,即所有相关消费都用蓝宝石,则大约需要满足F > 14200-2.4T

Tuesday, February 18, 2014

delta amex platinum 5000 MQM promo

want to earn delta elite status faster and have more chance to upgrade to businesss class,get entry to airport lounge and enjoy free food and amex platinum card can help you earn Medallion Qualification Miles,which is needed for frequent flyer to get higher elite tier.

sign up for Platinum Delta SkyMiles Credit Card from American will Earn 5000 MQM and 35000 bonus miles and $100 Statement Credit after you spend $1000 on your new Card within 3 months.

other benefits include.
One companion coach ticket each year upon card renewal
earn two miles for every dollar spent on eligible purchases.
$50.00 discount to the SkyClub for You and two companions

settle into your seat sooner with priority boarding
check your first bag for free and save up to $50 on a round-trip Delta flight
the card has annual fee of $195,not waive for the first year

After you spend $25000 in one year with delta airlines amex platinum card, you can earn 10000 bonus miles and 10000 MQM. if you spend $50000 a year, you can earn 20000 MQM and 20000 bonus miles.that is 25000 MQM,enough for delta Silver Medallion staus.

complimentary gold medallion,sky club membership promotion

delta airlines targeted gold status upgrade offer.

delta offer 60 days of complimentary Gold Medallion status and Sky Club must register before March 31, 2014 to participate in this promo.

after you have registered,you need to buy one BusinessElite ticket and fly within 60 days,  and you’ll earn:
• 50,000 bonus miles.
 • Gold Medallion status through February 2015.
• Delta Sky Club membership for an additional 10 months.

 qualifying BusinessElite tikcets including J C D I Z class.

delta BE service is offered on trancon and international flights.all you have to do is a business class milage run from jfk to ATL,or JFK to GIG.

Medallion status and Delta Sky Club access will be automatically updated in your SkyMiles account one day after your qualifying flight. Your bonus miles will appear automatically on your SkyMiles statement. Allow up to six weeks after qualifying travel is completed for credit to appear.